Wednesday, December 1, 2010

GWAEA district recruiting

Today our TQP team traveled to Victor for a 9 am meeting with Bill Lynch, Superintendent. Since we arrived a few minutes early I just had to go meet with the counselor . . . you know me, always needing something! :) Actually, Ron Orf, the counselor there was my high school counselor and the person whose position I accepted upon his "first" retirement. It was great to see him in his district for which he has worked part-time for four years.

Bill has been the superintendent at HLV for 31 years! Wow! He spoke about the reality of small rural districts and how it is important to get the right fit for folks as not all want to be in small districts or recognize its importance. It was also fun to connect with him and learn about all the folks he knew that we were connected to. For me it was Allan Hjelle, my first principal when I was at Underwood.

After our meeting at HLV we traveled to the Grant Wood AEA building. That was a thrill for me. It was strange to put on the "Visitor" badge and go upstairs. Unfortunately folks were not in that I had hoped to see but I left a few little smiley notes for them! :) I did get to talk with Andy Crozier, Keith Stamp and Trace Pickering, all of which I was delighted to see again. Oh, and Cathy, at the front desk!

We met there with Brian Rodenberg of Midland. He has also been in education for many years (30) although in seven different districts. He also knew people that we did. He had great questions such as preparation for candidates in small rural schools and whose responsibility the ARRA paperwork might be for the grant. His insight about community and relationships really resonated with me.

Great news! They both agreed to become involved and partner with us!

Hopefully this means I will get to meet up with more of the comrades I gained from my time at GWAEA.

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